Sprinkler Pillar Posts

A category for core blog posts in the Sprinkler Academy, which generally link to child posts.

A sprinkler system will often cost less than your carpet

How much does a fire sprinkler system cost in 2024?

How much does a sprinkler system cost? Not much. Sprinkler systems cost less than you expect. In many cases, the cost of installing a sprinkler system is no more than fitting a carpet. Don’t believe me? The price of a decent carpet, with underlay, is typically £40 per m2, plus fitting. A single residential sprinkler

How much does a fire sprinkler system cost in 2024? Read More »

An Image created using Artificial Intelligence of developers reviewing construction documentation

Technical documentation: The ultimate guide

Construction projects are becoming increasingly complex. How do you make sure that the right technical documentation reaches your sprinkler installer? What is technical documentation? Technical documentation in construction is a collection of detailed information and specifications that describe how a construction project should be built, maintained, and managed. This documentation is essential for ensuring that

Technical documentation: The ultimate guide Read More »


Fire Sprinkler Glossary “Cheat sheet”

Fire suppression is always evolving and highly technical. Even specialist engineers are still learning. Make things clearer with our sprinkler glossary. Why read the Sprinkler Glossary? Sprinkler systems are cropping up more often and on smaller developments across the UK. This can cause a lot of teething pains for residential developers, particularly those with a

Fire Sprinkler Glossary “Cheat sheet” Read More »

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