Start here: What’s the Sprinkler Academy?

Blocks of flats often need sprinklers.

It begins…

It happened…

You worked your ass off for the past few months, possibly years…

And it still happened.

Building control won’t approve your development.

They’ve come back to you with a list of changes that you need to make. You need some kind of fire suppression.

What kind though? Sprinklers? Mist? Gas?

Where do you begin? You’ve got people ready to move in. You told them it would be ready this month. What do you tell them now?

Better still: how do avoid this from happening in the first place?

LifeSaver Engineering was set up to help people like you get the best out of their fire suppression developments and this blog will be no different.

We don’t claim to be experts in all elements of construction, but we do believe that developing a working understanding of the other disciplines who are involved in the work that we carry out makes life simpler for everyone.

Posts will be published regularly, they will target the interests which we’ve detailed below, and you can sign up here for updates. Topics will include residential, commercial, and industrial best practice for putting your best foot forward in fire safety. So whether you’re looking for guidance on suppression systems for dwellings or apartment blocks, schools or Care Homes, retail units and offices or warehouses, be sure to check here first.

LifeSaver Engineering was set up in 2022. Since then, the company has gained firas accreditation and grown to work on projects in England, Scotland, and Wales. Some are design consultancy only; others are turnkey solutions for the whole installation – but one theme is constant. We like to help our clients to grow.

Who needs fire suppression?

Many of these resources have already been drafted as part of our proposal documents. We’re finding more and more often that offering technical guidance is beneficial as part of the bidding process. Fire Suppression needs to get a lot right in order to work. If something is different to what a client was expecting, they rightly want to know why. We’re offering this guidance publicly to assure our clients that the advice which we give them is the same advice that we give everyone. There will be no pulling of legs here.

We also want to help people find their feet with these requirements. The regulations for fire suppression have changed rapidly over the last ten years. Projects which would have never considered sprinklers before are finding that sprinklers are now a requirement. High risk buildings need a full design in place before the first shovel hits the ground, let alone before the walls go up.

Our resources are aimed at anyone involved in projects which might need sprinklers, whether they be the occupants, the investors, developers, regulators, or installers themselves.

If you’re looking for insights and updates from industry experts, both in house and elsewhere, then look no further.

Why is this going online for free? Planradar have found that poor co-ordination accounts for more than 11% of project costs in construction, so if we can help you avoid the need for rework, we can avoid rework ourselves. Even more importantly, we want to make sure that any savings found as part of a project don’t put the occupants or properties at risk.

The company is called LifeSaver for good reason. We want well-being to be at the heart of everything that we do. Every email we send out, every contract we sign, and every time we introduce ourselves. We want to remind ourselves and those around us that people trust us to carry out our work with their best interests in mind. The work we carry out really does save lives.

Fire Suppression Pain points we’ll aim to address in the first year of blogging.

  • Finding qualified sprinkler and mist installers for the works you need;
  • Minimising the number and costs of variations for your sprinkler and mist projects;
  • Value engineering in a compliant and ethical way;
  • Staying up to date with changes to key legislation and regulations;
  • Understanding best practice and new technologies;
  • Supporting key causes.

How to get more of the content which works for you

If you like something that you read and want to see more of it, let us know in the comments or by contacting us directly. We’re always looking for new ideas, so if you have something specific which you would like to explore, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. It’s always helpful if you can point to other resources which you’re currently using for information.

That being said, we aren’t experts on everything. We learn from those around us. If you have experience in something which is relevant to our blog, you work to a high standard, and you’re interested in a new place to showcase your work: why not consider becoming a trusted partner? Trusted Partners benefit from the a new venue to showcase their work. They’re also invited to guest post and otherwise support the content published here.

Equally, if you feel that some of our content would be valuable for your own publications, you’re free to link to any of our pages or contact us to help you generate content. Everything which we publish will be thoroughly researched. Any opinions will be disclosed as such. Any areas which expand beyond our skillset will be detailed.

Of course, the best way to get more of our content is to subscribe. You can subscribe to updates by following this link.

What kind of content to expect:

Have you ever looked at a company blog post and thought to yourself: ‘why is this even here?’. Maybe you’ve seen defence companies writing about how to housebreak your new puppy just to get their post count up. We won’t be wasting your time with that. This blog will come with real cohesion and will be relevant to what our company is here to offer you. Although, we recognise that other developments often affect our own, so we won’t be posting solely about sprinklers.

This blog will be driven by your interests and our company values. If we can justify a post within those boundaries, then odds are it will go live.

These values, alongside a few examples of how our posts will be linked to them, are detailed below:


  • Resources which help you understand what to expect from your sprinkler specialist, so you know you’re getting value for money
  • Sharing lessons, we’ve learned after overcoming our own hurdles
  • Presenting genuine critiques of products, events, and services which may be useful to people in our and our clients’ sectors.


  • Corporate Social Responsibility news and opportunities;
  • Grants designed to encourage growth within our sector;
  • Resources designed to support social mobility by encouraging diversity in all of our businesses and providing free education.


  • Guides on sprinklers as well as other related topics such as planning, building control, and fire engineering
  • Updates on the compliance journeys of our clients and ourselves in their sprinkler and mist developments.
  • Analysis on developments in regulation, technology, and trends in our and our clients’ industries.


  • Posts designed to draw inspiration from those around us, both inside and outside of the sprinkler and mist industry
  • Activities designed to prompt new ideas in business and technology
  • Competitions intended to reward out of the box thinkers.


  • Showcasing other companies, events, and thing unique to local areas;
  • Publications to encourage collaboration;
  • Reports of how we recognise our areas for development and are improving on them every day.


  • Portfolios of our own sprinkler and mist work to give you more reason to trust us;
  • Checklists which help you find the best specialists for your needs, confident that we will still be a choice for you, demonstrating trust in our own abilities;
  • Guest posts from trusted partners.

Where do we go from here?

That’s all well and good, but what now?

Subscribe: Stay up to date with Sprinkler Academy content by signing up to email updates. This can be done via the pop up or sign up form on the footer of each page.

Share: Send this post to someone who may benefit from its content.

Contact us: Get support, place an order, find out more, meet the team.

Read more pillar posts: Pillar posts are larger posts which will link to smaller posts. All of which centre around a particular theme.

Become a trusted partner: Looking for support for your company? Trusted partners are invested in each other’s success. They foster long term success and collaboration. They provide and support each other’s content. If you feel that our values compliment your own, then reach out today.

Read more from the Sprinkler Academy for Developers and Regulators


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